Friday, August 27, 2010

Christmas Appliques

Great for holiday t-shirts and onesies!

hot cocoa with minky whip cream
elf feet
truck with Christmas tree

Halloween and Thanksgiving Appliques

These appliques are very cute on shirts and onsies.  You can choose a name or three letter monogram.
classic turkey (above)
shabby turkey (below)

witch feet

skinny pumpkin 1
skinny pumpkin 2

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boy Appliques

These are great on Tshirts, burp cloths, and onesies. 
shabby tractor
classic tractor
shabby airplane
classic airplane

Cute Fringe Monogram

This circle fringe design would be great on adult bags and accessories as well as baby items!  It is available in all fabrics and three letter or single letter monograms.

Sports Appliques

These appliques are perfect for onesies or burp cloths.  They are available in any of the fabrics shown.  If you have special team color requests let us know!
classic golf green
red dot and blue dot football

Animal Appliques

Below are samples of our animal appliques. Most appliques are available in classic or shabby which does not have a satin stitch. They are also available in any of the fabrics shown.
classic alligator
classic snails
classic dinosaur
shabby dinosaur
classic elephant
pink shabby elephant
blue shabby elephant
shabby and classic turtles
classic and shabby grasshoppers